APRIL 13, 2016
With advent of British, and their withdrawn from Indian subcontinent new class of barbarians with modern, deceiving labels and apt ideology of democracy, security, liberation and protection have been installed. They carry forward subtle and obvious forms of barbarism, touching the new zeniths of terrorism, violence, torture, brutality, murder, loot, rape and molestation.
The present Handwara massacre in which already three innocent persons have lost their lives and dozens battling with death in different hospitals of valley is just a link to obvious atrocities Kashmiri’s have been experiencing in new form since late 1980’s.
As usual government has ordered probe and inquiry into the massacre. The setting up of commissions, inquires and probes no more pacify the resentment of people in Kashmir. They have been fed up by commissions, inquiries and probes, as guilty are seldom brought into the law. Instead of punishing the guilty the onus is put on the shoulders of common masses, innocent people are booked even after their death. In 2014, a young student namely Farhat was killed in police firing in a Northern village of Kashmir (Naidkhai Sonawari). Despite a young, “honest”, district magistrate who has been role model for many youngsters of Kashmir assured justice, Farhat, was booked under section 307, (attempt to murder) 425, (damaging public property) and other various criminal sections of Ranbir Penal Code, after his death.
It is interesting to observe what direction the Handwara probe will take when there is a new Chief Minister in place who has been very critical and vocal against civilian damage. She has taken streets against previous regime and publicly demanded punishment for the guilty. However, observations suggest that the history is not going to be changed and the outcome of the “probe” may not be different. The police have already come with the video of the girl who was allegedly molested by army personal. The video has been circulated by police on social media sites suggests that police have in advance given clean chit to army personal and they are prepared to put onus on the shoulders of youth. In the video girl negates that she was molested by army personal. However, the close examination of video gives birth to suspicion and raises many questions.
The first question is what police want to show by circulating video of the girl? Does law permits the circulation of the statement in public when case is in larva stage? What even if girl was not molested? Do they want to justify the brutal murder of men and woman? Even, if girl is speaking her own words, which does not appear after examining the video, such brutality cannot be justified. Not at all! The video speaks volumes not only about the tragedy but about the future orientation and outcome of the issue, “probe”. In video it is crystal clear that video has been recorded by police in police station and policeman behind is putting word “civil ladkhn” (civilian) in her mouth.
When the girl says that he pulled my purse, someone in the room says “civil Ladkhn” thus putting word “Civil Laedkan” in her mouth. What was needed to say civil Ladkahn? It is important to mention that word “ civil Ladkhn” is not said questionably? At the end of video girl is being applauded. Applauded for what? In video it is quite audible that someone mutters “ Chalo Shabash”. Shabash, for what? There are many other questions which surface after watching the video.
Whatever may be reality, police has not done well by circulating the video. Instead of pacifying the anger the video will act as a fuel and will have very negative impact in long run. By circulating the video you have not only blown the hope of justice but further alienated the people of valley. This will damage the image of police in public which is already in great strain and will undo the good done by police in recent past. It is also setback to the efforts of some dedicated police personals those look to bridge the gap between people and police.
Lastly, let me challenge the biggest myth about the Kashmir- the myth that Kashmir is paradise on the earth. When I peep into the history I find no example that Kashmir had been in peace and peace is the fundamental of paradise. It is just opium for us (Kashmiris) which soothes our pain, keep us salacious and never allow us to think beyond the Kashmir. Kashmir, may have been paradise but not for poor Kashmiris but for barbaric rulers who have enjoyed this paradise through barbarism, violence, torture, brutality, murder, loot, rape and molestation.
*Dr. Fayaz Ahmad Bhat, is a student of Sociology, social activist and currently teach Sociology at Government Degree College, Sumbal Sonawari, Jammu and Kashmir, India. He is an alumnus of Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi.Dr Fayaz is working on new concepts and terms like mal-education, Hidden steering, self syndrome, Multi grade holding, Islamic lag, , Educational Shephered and Triple burden .
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