By Lt Gen SC Sardeshpande
24 Nov , 2015
Dr SS Arulanandam
Maj Gen Sardeshpande
General Officer Commanding
Dated: 5 May 1988
Enclosed is the photo-copy of ‘Eelam News’ published in ‘Junior Vikatam’, a Madras-based weekly newspaper.
Accept our congratulations and compliments for that courageous stand you took at the risk of your career prospects. Because you are a servant of democratic India, you are able to continue in office. If it happens in Sri Lanka, you are fired out of office.
I have brought to your notice, and you all are also aware, of about 40 violations of the peace Accord by the Sri Lankan Government. The powerful elder brother (Govt. of India) has not done anything about it, but is spending its energy in weakening the LTTE – that means weakening the Tamils.