By Dr Vijay Sakhuja
19 Jun , 2015
The United States military strategy published in 2012 has referred to India as an important player in the Indian Ocean and notes, “The United States is also investing in a long-term strategic partnership with India to support its ability to serve as a regional economic anchor and provider of security in the broader Indian Ocean Region.” Perhaps what is interesting is that India is being given the status of ‘security provider’ and the US expects it to play a larger role in the Asia-Pacific region and be more proactive to support its ‘rebalance’ strategy.
India evacuated 5,600 people of which 4,640 were Indians and 960 nationals belonging to 41 countries…
It is raining ‘accolades’ for India. The international community has acknowledged India’s support in evacuating people from war-ravaged Yemen. The civil war in Yemen turned in favour of the Houthi rebels who successfully overthrew the government and took over key towns including the port city of Aden. Yemeni President Hadi fled overseas and the country witnessed fierce battles between the Saudi Arabia-led coalition and the Houthi rebels.