24 November 2015

Mobile Subscriptions To Outnumber The World's Population

by Felix Richter, Statista.com

The mobile revolution passed another milestone this year.

According to Ericsson's most recent Mobility Report, the number of mobile subscriptions now outnumbers the world's population. You heard that right: there are more mobile subscriptions than people living on this planet. According to Ericsson's estimates, the number of mobile subscriptions stood at 7.3 billion at the end of September and will grow to 7.4 billion by the end of the year. Meanwhile the world's population will climb to 7.35 billion by the end of 2015 according to the United Nations' projections.

The fact that many people have multiple active or inactive subscriptions more than makes up for the fact that many people still live without a mobile phone. Ericsson puts the number of actual subscribers at 4.9 billion, leaving 2.4 billion people disconnected.

This chart compares the number of mobile subscriptions to the world's population growth.

You will find more statistics at Statista

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