7 February 2015

Do Army Leaders DO Leader Development?

The CC/ PL Team was reviewing the final report from the 2013 Chief of Staff Of The Army Leader Development Task Force and we read that the “develop others” category continues to be the lowest rated leader competency across all career levels. Below are some highlights that jumped out at me as well.

-59% of Army leaders are rated effective at developing their subordinates, while only 45% are rated effective at creating or identifying opportunities for leader development.

-35% of leaders agree that their organization makes time available for self development. This is a decrease from 41% in 2010.

-19% of Army leaders report they “never” receive counseling from their immediate superior. 49% report counseling has had a small, very little, or no positive impact on their development.

Here are a few questions for discussion

Company Commanders how do you develop your subordinates?

What types of programs are you putting in place?

Do you work your Officers and NCOs until 2000 at night so they DO NOT have time for self-development? Or do you encourage and give them time for self development?

Are you being developed by your Battalion Commander?

If you are an Army Officer join the discussion by leaving a reply here, tweeting your response, or joining the conversation in Milsuite:https://www.milsuite.mil/book/message/539574#539574

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