
3 January 2015

Marines test Navy's cyber range

Michael Peck
December 18, 2014

The Marine Corps has tested a Navy-developed cyber range that simulates battlefield conditions.

The Tactical Cyber Range, developed by the Office of Naval Research (ONR), was deployed by the Marines during their Bold Alligator exercise last month off the Virginia coast. The cyber range to used to "emulate adversary communications hidden in a noisy, dense electromagnetic spectrum — as much a battleground in today's digital world as any piece of land," according to an ONR announcement.

The range includes networking, communications, sensors, unmanned systems and augmented reality. Among the technologies fielded during the exercise was augmented reality glasses developed by ONR. "The glasses stream relevant data in front of Marines so they can conduct cyber operations and still maintain awareness of their surroundings on the battlefield and operate their assigned weapon systems," the Navy said.

"The vision is to have all urban training ranges aboard all Marine Corps bases outfitted with the capability to support dynamic, full-spectrum training for Marines involved in signals intelligence and cyber operations," said Maj. Christian Fitzpatrick, ONR tactical cyber special projects officer.

The Marine Corps Information Enterprise Strategy specifically calls developing cyber training technologies for realistic operational environments.

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