21 December 2014

Neither War Nor Peace: Why the Information Revolution Makes 'Forever Wars' a New Normal

December 16, 2014

Author: Emile Simpson, Ernest May Fellow in History and Policy, International Security Program

Belfer Center Programs or Projects: International Security

The twenty-first century's information revolution creates networked, multi-player, and open-ended conflicts that occupy a grey zone between war and peace. Emile Simpson will propose that this type of dispute is the new normal. His talk will analyse the challenges that arise from this phenomenon and suggest appropriate strategic responses.

For more information about this publication please contact the ISP Program Coordinator at 617-496-1981.

For Academic Citation:

Simpson, Emile. "Neither War Nor Peace: Why the Information Revolution Makes 'Forever Wars' a New Normal." International Institute for Strategic Studies, December 16, 2014.

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