16 December 2014


China’s Grand Strategy is not Absent, Just Contradictory http://www.eastwestcenter.org/download/7633/34864/apb292.pdf

Jamestown Foundation

· China Brief, December 5, 2014, v. 14, no. 23 http://www.jamestown.org/uploads/media/China_Brief_Vol_14_Issue_23_2.pdf

o China’s Espionage Against Taiwan (Part II): Chinese Intelligence Collectors

o China’s Soft-Power Deficit Widens as Xi Tightens Screws Over Ideology

o Xi’s Military Reform Plan: Accelerating Construction of a Strong PLA

o Assessing China’s Afghan Peace Play

· Terrorism Monitor, December 5, 2014, v. 12, no. 23 http://www.jamestown.org/uploads/media/TerrorismMonitorVol12Issue23_03.pdf

o Lashkar-e-Zil: Al-Qaeda’s ‘Shock and Awe’ Force

o Islamist Radicalization: A New Challenge for Kenya

o From Obscurity to Dominance: The Continuing Rise of Yemen’s al-Houthi Movement

Blinders, Blunders, and Wars: What America and China Can Learn http://www.rand.org/pubs/research_reports/RR768.html

The Role of Maritime and Air Power in DoD's Third Offset Strategy http://www.rand.org/pubs/testimonies/CT420.html

Military Review, November/December 2014, v. 94, no. 6 http://usacac.army.mil/cac2/militaryreview/

o Assurance in Europe: Why Relationships Matter

o The M1Abrams: Today and Tomorrow

o Bringing Mobility to the Infantry Brigade Combat Team

o Losing Our War: The Disassociation of Reconnaissance and Security Organizations from Screen, Guard and Cover Missions

o The Pen and the Sword: The New Noncommissioned Officer Professional Development System - NCO 2020

o Army Learning Concept 2015 is Underway

o The Challenge of Countering Weapons of Mass Destruction on the Korean Peninsula

o Survivability, Sustainability, and Maneuverability: The Need for Joint Unity of Effort in Implementing the DOD Arctic Strategy at the Tactical and Operational Levels

o What Lessons Did We Learn (or Re-Learn) About Military Advising After 9/11

o Operation Serval: Another Beau Geste of France in Sub-Saharan Africa?

o Entanglement: Using Social Network Analysis for Military Justice Applications

o Leveraging the Power of Loyal Dissent in the U.S. Army

o Two faces of Critical Thinking for the Reflective Military Practitioner

Journal of Military and Strategic Studies, 2014, v. 15, no. 4 http://www.jmss.org/jmss/index.php/jmss/issue/view/68

o Hic Sunt Dracones!

o The Military And The Challenge Of Democratic Consolidation In Nigeria: Positive Skepticism And Negative Optimism

o Friction, Chaos and Order(s): Clausewitz, Boyd and Command Approaches

o The Pivot to Asia: The Persistent Logics of Geopolitics and the Rise of China

o Clandestine Communication in Historic China

o Chasing Sunflowers: Personal Firsthand Observations of the Student Occupation of the Legislative Yuan and Popular Protests in Taiwan, 18 March – 10 April 2014

Air Land Sea Bulletin, June 2014 http://www.alsa.mil/library/alsb/ALSB%202014-2.pdf

o Look, Up in the Sky: A Clarification on “Drone” Terminology

o MQ-1C Gray Eagle Quick Reaction Capability Legacy

o The Post-OEF Way Ahead for MQ-1 Predators and MQ-9 Reapers

o Mission Command and the Employment of Gray Eagle

o Unmanned Aircraft Systems Operations in the National Airspace System

o Do Remotely Piloted Vehicles Represent a Revolution? Not Yet

o Current and Future Unmanned Aircraft System Challenges

o A Better Approach to War Powers

o Governing for the Future: What Governments Can Do

o To Build a Network

o Intervention in Intrastate War: The Military Planning Problem

o Merging Competing Militaries After Civil Wars

o The Organized Crime - Peace Operations Nexus

o Tackling Nuclear Terrorism in South Asia

o Hezbollah’s Syrian Quagmire

o The Terror Crime Nexus: Hezbollah’s Global Facilitators

o Beijing Prepares for APEC Summit Amid Possible Sino-Japanese Thaw

o China's 'Eternal Prosperity': A Precursor to South China Sea ADIZ?

o Hong Kong After the Revolution

o China's Railway Diplomacy in the Balkans

o The End of the Road for Xi's Mass Line Campaign: An Assessment

o Political Factions and Spicy Ginger: Elder Networks in PRC Politics Part 2: The Patronage Network of Hu Jintao

Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance Joint Force 2020 White Paper, June 2014 http://www.dtic.mil/doctrine/concepts/white_papers/cjcs_wp_isr.pdf

· Joint Pub 3-12(R), Cyberspace Operations, 05 February 2013 http://www.dtic.mil/doctrine/new_pubs/jp3_12R.pdf

ISIS: The Military Response in Iraq and Syria http://www.parliament.uk/briefing-papers/sn06995.pdf

A Time to Tweet, as Well as a Time to Kill: ISIS’s Projection of Power in Iraq and Syria http://ndupress.ndu.edu/Portals/68/Documents/defensehorizon/DH-77.pdf

Sources of Tension in Afghanistan & Pakistan: Perspectives from the Region in 2013 & 2014: 6. Iran http://www.cidob.org/en/content/download/42359/624315/file/OCTOBER_2014_PERSPECTIVES_IRAN.pdf

France's War in Mali: Lessons for an Expeditionary Army http://www.rand.org/pubs/research_reports/RR770.html

· Improving Strategic Competence: Lessons from 13 Years of War http://www.rand.org/content/dam/rand/pubs/research_reports/RR800/RR816/RAND_RR816.pdf

Distinguishing Acts of War in Cyberspace: Assessment Criteria, Policy Considerations, and Response Implications http://www.strategicstudiesinstitute.army.mil/pubs/display.cfm?pubID=1229

Intelligence and Design: Thinking about Operational Art http://aupress.au.af.mil/bookinfo.asp?bid=547

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