November 21, 2014
WASHINGTON: Someone shoots a cruise missile at you. How far away would you like to stop it: over 200 miles out or less than 35?
If you answered “over 200,” congratulations, you’re thinking like the US Navy, which has spent billions of dollars over decades to develop ever more sophisticated anti-missile defenses. According to Bryan Clark, until 12 months ago a top advisor to the nation’s top admiral, you and the Navy are wrong.
Buying small numbers of relatively large, long-ranged, expensive interceptors like the SM-6gives us “false confidence,” Clark writes in a new report, because a well-equipped enemy like China or even Iran could just keep lobbing cheap missiles at us until we run out of silver bullets to shoot them down. Instead, we need to invest in long-range offensive missiles to kill the other guy, ideally before he even fires. Leave defense to relatively small, short-ranged, and affordable interceptors, such as the Sea Sparrow, that ships can carry in bulk, supported by electronic jamming and — in the near future — lasers, neither of which ever runs out of ammunition.
The USS John Paul Jones test-fires an SM-6 in June
The profoundly counter-cultural catch for Navy commanders, Clark admits, is that they’d have to let enemy missiles get within 35 miles (30 nautical miles) of their ship before shooting them down. I did some quick calculations based on this distance and the reported top speeds of modern anti-ship weapons like China’s 1.5-ton YJ-12. Then I did a double-take and asked Clark to check my math. He confirmed the figures: At Mach 3.5, a cruise missile can cover 30 nautical miles in approximately forty-seven seconds.
“The pucker factor’s going to be higher,” Clark acknowledged to reporters when he briefed them on his recommendations this week. “But our current air defense scheme gives us a false sense of confidence.”
Yes, we can start engaging incoming missiles hundreds of miles out, with plenty of time to fire again and again at anything that gets through, using successively shorter-range interceptors, from the various variants of theStandard Missile to the Sea Sparrow to the Rolling Airframe Missile, until at the last second the automated Gatling gun called the Phalanx Close-In Weapons System (CIWS) sprays bullets at any “leakers.” But even if you give up on carrying offensive weapons, an Aegis destroyer‘s Vertical Launch System (VLS) can carry at most about 100 of the longest-range interceptors. Even in the best possible case, the 101st missile will get through.
100 modern cruise missiles cost at most $300 million. An Aegis destroyer costs over $1.5 billion. The aircraft carrier it protects? Easily $6 billion, not counting planes. A relatively impoverished adversary like North Korea or Hezbollah might not be able to scrape together 100 missiles. A richer country like Iran, let alone China, can trade cheap missiles for expensive ships all day.
A good offense isn’t just the best defense in this scenario: It’s the only defense. Relying on small, cheap, short-range interceptors lets you carry more defensive weapons and shoot down more incoming missiles, which is important, but it only delays the inevitable unless you stop the other guy from shooting. That means shooting him — which is a real problem for the US Navy right now, because its anti-ship missiles are badly outranged by what Russia, China, and even India are selling worldwide.
US Navy anti-ship missiles are badly outranged by Russian, Chinese, and Indian counterparts.
Turning The Navy Inside Out
Clark’s strategy would turn the surface fleet inside out, replacing its current defensive focus with what he calls “offensive sea control.” It’s about much more than the mix of missiles.
Aegis Ashore missile defense system concept
Many of these ideas are logical extensions of things the Navy’s already doing. Adm. Jonathan Greenert, the Chief of Naval Operations and Clark’s old boss, has sought to free up Aegis cruisers and destroyers for high-threat environments like the Western Pacific byusing auxiliary ships for less dangerous missions. The Navy’s even testing a prototype rail gun on a JHSV and a low-power laser on a AFSB — although I’ve heard no one but Clark suggest using those ships as operational platforms for these weapons. As for the Littoral Combat Ship, Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel has already forced the Navy to relook the LCS and consider a better-armed, more survivable successor — which, for simple reasons of time and cost, will more likely be an upgraded LCS rather than a brand new design. And, after years of reliance on the 65-nautical-mile Harpoon, the Navy has hired Lockheed Martin to build a new Long-Range Anti-Ship Missile (LRASM).
An artist’s depiction of a Lockheed Martin LRASM (Long-Range Anti-Ship Missile) hurtling towards its target.
Then there’s the Raytheon-built Standard Missile. The Navy has invested heavily in upgrading the Standard’s capabilities to intercept incoming enemy missiles. Clark wants to repurpose that same high technology as an offensive weapon capable of killing a range of targets, in the air, at sea, and ashore. He notes that the SM-2 variant already has a oft-forgotten anti-surface-target mode and that the Navy’s adding GPS guidance to the latest model, the SM-6, which would potentially let it hit ground targets. But for Clark, that’s just a beginning. He wants to see the Standard Missiles reserved for killing enemy aircraft, ships, and shore-based missile systems before they launch. The Navy could even make an anti-submarine version of the Standard design, he argues, that would have more than 10 times the range of the current 12-nautical-mile ASROC. As for the ballistic missile defense version of the Standard, the SM-3, Clark would limit it to a small number per ship for emergencies.
Evolved Sea Sparrow Missile (ESSM) launching
Supplementing the Sea Sparrows would be jammers. Clark particularly prizes the “Block III” upgrade of the Surface Electronic Warfare Improvement Program (SEWIP), scheduled to enter service around 2017. “That’s one of the things that led me to come up with this idea,” Clark said: We’re going to have great jamming, but under current doctrine, “we’re never going to use it,” because its range is limited to at most 30 nautical miles. If you make your stand at 30 nm, however, you can use electronic warfare against some incoming missiles, leading them so far off-target that you don’t have to fire interceptors at them at all.
Experimental Navy laser
All these weapons should work together in one computer-controlled defensivenetwork because no human can assign targets fast enough. Clark’s concept allows several very different defenses to take shots at incoming missiles all at once, in parallel, whereas the current method has one interceptor after another take its turn at each incoming missile. The current system tries to shoot down the incoming missiles at long range; the long range component of Clark’s concept is shooting the airplanes, ships, or shore batteries before they launch their missiles.
The Cold War “outer air battle” concept
Shooting The Archer
“The Navy basically admitted in its maritime strategies of the 1990s that sea-control was a thing of the past,” one Hill staffer told me. “So for the next decade they got really good at projecting power ashore with strike fighters and land-attack weapons and let the classic mission of sea control slowly wither on the priority list. Look no further for evidence than the fact PACOM [Pacific Command] put forward an urgent needs request way back in 2008 for a long-range anti-surface weapon to match China’s own anti-surface weapons and we are only now just getting around to providing viable solutions.”
“Bryan’s report provides some excellent ideas,” the staffer said. “Hopefully, the Navy is listening.”
“I’ve had a surprisingly receptive audience with the surface navy,” Clark told reporters.Admirals realize the numbers are not on their side if they play defense against an enemy with lots of missiles, he said. Indeed, many of the recommendations in Clark’s report evolve out of work he did as director of Adm. Greenert’s personal think tank, the Commander’s Action Group (CAG).
Rep. Randy Forbes
“I share the desire to explore ways to improve the cost exchange ratio between ship defenses and enemy missiles as well as the need to find innovative ways to bring more offensive, long-range firepower on board our cruisers, destroyers, and small surface combatants,” Forbes said. “The issues this report raises deserve consideration by both the Navy and Congress.”
Coming from the chairman of the House subcommittee on seapower, that’s not idle wishing: That’s a plan of action.
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