
6 June 2014

Internal Tensions in Iran: Some Underlying Metrics

JUN 4, 2014

Much of the discussion of the pressures on Iran focuses primarily on policy, and political and military issues. There are, however, some statistics and assessments by international bodies such as the World Bank that help illustrate the forces at work within Iran that shape its politics, economy, and ability to compete with the US and its allies in building up its military forces.

The Burke Chair at CSIS has developed an initial set of metrics that help illustrate these forces entitled Internal Tensions in Iran: Some Underlying Metrics, and which is available on the CSIS website at

Like all such data, the reader should be aware that there are major uncertainties in many of the data, and often conflicting views and perspectives.

This report will be updated and expand in the future, and any additional material and comments would be greatly appreciated. Please send such comments and material to Antony H. Cordesman at

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