the Republican Party reinvent itself?
deep look at the key GOP factions and how successful primary candidates
navigate them.
is running out for the little island coveted by its gigantic, growing neighbor.
allegedly illiberal idea—and its liberal father.
is making its energy supply more secure—but we can't untie ourselves from the
global energy market.
fear weapons of mass destruction in terrorist hands. Yet the greater danger
continues to from terrorists' older tools—the gun and the bomb.
the presidents who are pushiest abroad get the most done?
wisest of the wise men.
B. Judis' new book on Israel is right, but for the wrong reasons.
to play a dominant role in the Far East wouldn't just be foolish. It would change
who we are.
2014 issue of the CTC Sentinel
Point's Combating Terrorism Center has released the February 2014 issue of the
CTC Sentinel. It is a special issue on Africa. It can be downloaded here.
The issue
contains the following articles:
- The
Future Role of U.S. Counterterrorism Operations in Africa
Michael A. Sheehan and Geoff D. Porter
Al-Shabab’s Capabilities Post-Westgate
By Ken
- An
In-Depth Look at Al-Shabab’s Internal Divisions
By Stig
Jarle Hansen
- The
Malian Government’s Challenge to Restore Order in the North
By Bruce
- The In
Amenas Attack in the Context of Southern Algeria’s Growing Social Unrest
By Hannah
- Will Terrorism
in Libya be Solely Driven by Radical Islamism?
Geoffrey Howard and Henry Smith
Religious Violence in Tunisia Three Years after the Revolution
By Anne
Leadership Analysis of Boko Haram and Ansaru in Nigeria
By Jacob
- Recent
Highlights in Political Violence
of Defence Studies, Vol. 8, No. 1, January 2014
-- Amit
Sataluri Govind
-- Bijoy
Sarabjeet Singh Parmar
-- Vivek
Bishwajit Bose
-- Arnab
-- S.
Samuel C. Rajiv
-- Stuti
Affairs is a leading journal of international relations.
featured article in the current issue is Learning from the past: the relevance of
international history by
David Stevenson. This article is free for non-members to read.
January 2014
Editorial - 90 volumes of International
Editorial Board
Editorial Board
Learning from the past: the relevance of
international history
David Stevenson
David Stevenson
Cosmos, chaos: finance, power and conflict
Harold James
Harold James
1914 and 2014: should we be worried?
Margaret MacMillan
Margaret MacMillan
Capitalism and the emergent world order
Barry Buzan and George Lawson
Barry Buzan and George Lawson
International Affairs and ‘the nuclear
age’, 1946–2013
William Walker
William Walker
Review article - Leaving Vietnam: Nixon,
Kissinger and Ford, 1969–1975 (Part two: January 1972–January 1973)
Geoffrey Warner
Geoffrey Warner
Parameters, Winter 2013-14, Now Online
Special Commentary
American Power in Transition
Fighting Irregular Fighters
Conflict by Other Means
Preparing for Netwars
Of Note
“Air and Space Power Journal”
Happy New
Year from your ASPJ team! We are delighted to announce that the website is once
again operational. The January–February 2014 issue is now available for
downloading from the Air University website. Please take a moment to visit us
at We
appreciate your patience and hope that you enjoy the issue.
In this
issue. . . .
Mark A. Welsh III, USAF
Hawk Carlisle, USAF
Maj Gen
Kenneth S. Wilsbach, USAF
Lt Col
David J. Lyle, USAF
Capt Adam
B. Young, USAF
Lt Col
Aaron D. Burgstein, USAF
Albert C. Harris III, USAF
Kelvin Mote, USA
democracy continues to flourish in Pakistan and the establishment’s flawed
policies are scrapped, Pakistan would finally become a peaceful country.
“Liberal newspaper Express Tribune cowed into silence by Pakistani Taliban,”
reads a...
A History is a work on the cultural historical origins of strategy and the
myriad ways in which men have sought to use strategy to gain the edge in battle
or politics. Strategy is a fascinating subject. Seemingly always useful, sometimes...
new proposal brought in by three of the Cricket boards, will restructure the
International Cricket Council (ICC). The world of Cricket has been abuzz
with a Draft Proposal brought in by three of the Cricket boards, namely, Board of
should be possible to have profound questioning and open debate without
encouraging intolerance or separatism. There is a long tradition of dialogue
and debate within all the spiritual and philosophical traditions of India,
whether Hindu,...
There are
nearly one million fewer girls than boys in India and not enough is being done
to change this. Census 2011 has brought out a terrifying figure. As per the
Single Year Age Data released recently, for children below the age of one,...
democracy continues to flourish in Pakistan and the establishment’s flawed
policies are scrapped, Pakistan would finally become a peaceful country.
“Liberal newspaper Express Tribune cowed into...
A History is a work on the cultural historical origins of strategy and the
myriad ways in which men have sought to use strategy to gain the edge in battle
or politics. Strategy is a fascinating...
new proposal brought in by three of the Cricket boards, will restructure the
International Cricket Council (ICC). The world of Cricket has been abuzz
with a Draft Proposal brought in by three of...
should be possible to have profound questioning and open debate without
encouraging intolerance or separatism. There is a long tradition of dialogue
and debate within all the spiritual and philosophical...
There are
nearly one million fewer girls than boys in India and not enough is being done
to change this. Census 2011 has brought out a terrifying figure. As per the
Single Year Age Data released recently,...
Friends and Colleagues,
from the International
Strategic & Security Studies Programme (ISSSP) at the National Institute of
Advanced Studies (NIAS), Bangalore.
We are
happy to share with you our recent publications and events. Additionally,
please find attached the ISSSP digest for the month of January, 2014 in the
S. Chandrashekar and Soma Perumal
M. Mayilvaganan
Viswesh Rammohan
Arun Vishwanathan, Assistant Professor, ISSSP
The World Today
Articles from the current issue are open-access. Cover Stories
1914-18: Legacy of the Great War
100 years of generals v politicians: from Ypres to Helmand
James de Waal, Visiting Fellow, Chatham House International Security Programme
Why we still flock to visit the Somme
Nicholas Bird, battlefield tour guide
Trench technology against gas attack which is still in use today
Dr Gabriel Moshenska, lecturer, Public Archaeology, UCL Institute of Archaeology
Suffragists who tried to stop the carnage
Helen Kay, Scottish branch of WILPF
Paying war's medical bill
Lt-Gen Louis Lillywhite, Surgeon-General of the British Armed Forces 2006-2009
Germany: historians are missing a big opportunity
Sรถnke Neitzel, Professor of International History, London School of Economics
India: a sacrifice that went unrecognized
Rahul Bedi, defence journalist, New Delhi
from conflict to respect
Eamon Gilmore T.D., Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Foreign Affairs & Trade, the Republic of Ireland
South Africa: troopship sinking lives on in memory
Albert Grundlingh, author and professor of History, Stellenbosch University
Caribbean: racism in the trenches
Richard Smith, author and lecturer in Media & Communications, Goldsmiths University of London
Chatham House, born from the ashes of war
Jason Naselli, Editorial & Project Coordinator, Chatham House
Bringing 'War Horse' to a Berlin theatre
John von Dรผffel, dramatist and writer
The audacity of a Pope
Paul Vallely, papal biographer
Dr Zbigniew Brzezinski on how to avoid a new Middle East explosion
Alan Philps
Eamon Gilmore T.D., Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Foreign Affairs & Trade, the Republic of Ireland
South Africa: troopship sinking lives on in memory
Albert Grundlingh, author and professor of History, Stellenbosch University
Caribbean: racism in the trenches
Richard Smith, author and lecturer in Media & Communications, Goldsmiths University of London
Chatham House, born from the ashes of war
Jason Naselli, Editorial & Project Coordinator, Chatham House
Bringing 'War Horse' to a Berlin theatre
John von Dรผffel, dramatist and writer
The audacity of a Pope
Paul Vallely, papal biographer
Dr Zbigniew Brzezinski on how to avoid a new Middle East explosion
Alan Philps
the wrong lessons from the Three Gorges Dam
Michael Sheridan, Far East Correspondent, The Sunday Times
A tonic for democracy in 2014
Canvassing for ‘None of the above’
Anthony King, professor of government, University of Essex
USA: Let them have God and guns
Louis Michael Seidman, Carmack Waterhouse Professor of Constitutional Law, Georgetown University Law Center
Egypt: How the Brotherhood failed
Dr Hazem Kandil, author & lecturer
Chatham House Quiz
Test your knowledge of 2013
A Bayeux Tapestry for the Western Front
Alan Philps
A new profile of Steve Biko, father of Black Consciousness
Benjamin Pogrund,
A selection of Great War books
Japan’s sun is rising again
John Swenson-Wright, Senior Consulting Fellow, Asia Programme, Chatham House
Playing the game of nations
Michael Sheridan, Far East Correspondent, The Sunday Times
A tonic for democracy in 2014
Canvassing for ‘None of the above’
Anthony King, professor of government, University of Essex
USA: Let them have God and guns
Louis Michael Seidman, Carmack Waterhouse Professor of Constitutional Law, Georgetown University Law Center
Egypt: How the Brotherhood failed
Dr Hazem Kandil, author & lecturer
Chatham House Quiz
Test your knowledge of 2013
A Bayeux Tapestry for the Western Front
Alan Philps
A new profile of Steve Biko, father of Black Consciousness
Benjamin Pogrund,
A selection of Great War books
Japan’s sun is rising again
John Swenson-Wright, Senior Consulting Fellow, Asia Programme, Chatham House
Playing the game of nations
Center for Homeland
Defense and Security (CHDS)
· Homeland Security
Affairs Journal, February 2014, v. 10
o Preparedness
Revisited: W(h)ither PPD-8?
o Hybrid Targeted
Violence: Challenging Conventional 'Active Shooter' Response Strategies
o Towards a Unified
Homeland Security Strategy: An Asset Vulnerability Model
MCU Journal, v. 4, no. 1 Spring 2013
o Stopping Atrocities:
Field Commanders’ Moral Responsibility in Srebrenica and Rwanda
o The Syrian Kurds: A
House Divided
o Understanding
Terrorism and the Islamist Challenge in the Maghreb
o Bridging the Gap:
High-Level Policy Meets On-the-Ground Realities in Eastern Afghanistan
o Agnatic Rivalry,
Social Instability, and Scapegoating: The Consequences of Integrating
Pashtunwali with Afghan Formal Law
Journal of Military Operations, Winter 2014, v. 2, no. 1
o Does Operational Art
Exist? Space, Time and a Theory of Operational Art
o Out of Balance:
Rebalancing Access and Overcoming Denial
o The Edge of Glory: The
Western Way of Combat and the Seach for the Elusive Decisve Battle in an Age of
o The Tactics Gap: Why
We Wrestle with the Basics
o Training Obversations
o The Killing of an
Unknown Afghan Fighter in September 2011: A Breakdown in Battlefield Discipline
Military Review, January-February 2014, v. 94, no. 1
o Virtual Influence:
Leveraging Social Media as a Leadership Tool
o Preferring Copies with
No Originals: Does the Army Training Strategy Train or Fail?
o A Tale of Two
Districts: Beating the Taliban at Their Own Game
o States, Societies,
Resistance and COIN
o Of Burning Platforms
and Champions
o Strategic Gain or
o The Fourth Revolution:
o Lessons of a Coalition
Partner in Afghanistan: 2002-2013
o Harmony in Battle:
Training the Brigade Combat Team for Combined Arms Maneuver
o Creeping Death:
Clausewitz and Comprehensive Counterinsurgency
o Managing Risk in
Today's Army
o The Lessons of
"The Surge"
Parameters, Winter 2013-14, v. 43, no. 4
o What the QDR Ought to
Say About Landpower
o The True Tragedy of
American Power
o Redirecting US
o Rebalancing US
Military Power
o Is the Law of Armed
Conflict Outdated?
o Defeating Violent
Nonstate Actors
o Confronting Africa's
o Waging Financial War
o The Coming Financial Wars
o Economic Statecraft:
China in Africa
o Repurposing Cyber
o A War Examined:
Operation Iraqi Freedom, 2003
Joint Force Quarterly (JFQ), January 2014, no. 72
o The Role of
Professional Military Education in Mission Command
o The Pen and the Sword:
Faculty Management Challenges in the Mixed Cultural Environment of a War
o Putting “A Cooperative
Strategy for 21st Century Seapower” to Work: A Wargaming Perspective
o Godzilla Methodology:
Means for Determining Center of Gravity
o Improving DOD
Adaptability and Capability to Survive Black Swan Events
o Strategy for
Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance
o The Joint Stealth Task
Force: An Operational Concept for Air-Sea Battle
o Unifying Our Vision:
Joint ISR Coordination and the NATO Joint ISR Initiative
o “Gallantry and
Intrepidity”: Valor Decorations in Current and Past Conflicts
o Cut Defense Pork,
Revive Presidential Impoundment
o Biometric-enabled
Intelligence in Regional Command–East
o Strategic Implications
of the Afghan Mother Lode and China’s Emerging Role
o Improving Safety in
the U.S. Arctic
o Forging a 21st-century
Military Strategy: Leveraging Challenges
o Learning and Adapting:
Billy Mitchell in World War
Naval War College Review, Winter 2014, v. 67, no. 1
o Strengthening Our
Naval Profession through a Culture of Leader Development
o President's Forum -
RADM Walter E. "Ted" Carter, Jr., USN
o Trends in Modern War
Gaming: The Art of Conversation
o Your Boss, Players,
and Sponsor: The Three Witches of War Gaming
o The Idea of a
"Fleet in Being" in Historical Perspective
o Kamikazes: The Soviet
o "Winning"
the Pacific War: The Masterful Strategy of Commander Minoru Genda
o Was There Something Unique
to the Japanese That Lost Them the Battle of Midway? [Research & Debate
o Strength in Numbers:
The Remarkable Potential of (Really) Small Combatants [Research &
Debate essay]
o Reflections on
The Political Landscape of Afghanistan and the
Presidential Election of 2014
Independent Assessment
of the Afghan National Security Forces
Game Over? The EU’s Legacy in Afghanistan
Ankara Summit: A
Possible Road to Afghan Peace?
Afghanistan: The View
from India
Afghanistan: Sustainable
Engagement to 2014 and Beyond
Afghanistan – The Endless Challenge
Objectives and
Differences among Militant Groups in FATA
The Punjabi Taliban
Afghanistan: The View from Pakistan
Monitor On
Civil-Military Relations in Pakistan
Potential and Prospects of Pakistani Diaspora
Energy Crisis: Causes, Consequences and Possible Remedies
Joint Strategy to
Control Militancy and Pak-Afghan Conflict Resolution Post-2014
Status on Recommendations from the Pakistan-Afghanistan Parliamentarians
Dialogues Since 2011
Can China and India Coexist in Myanmar?
Harnessing Myanmar's
Hydropower and Negotiating Conflict
Painful Polls and
Dhaka’s Dilemmas
China, The United States,
And The Kachin Conflict
Central Asia: Democracy,
Instability and Strategic Game in Kyrgyzstan
P. Stobdan, Author, 2014, Publisher:
Pentagon Press
ISBN 978-81-8274-752-4
Price: Rs.995/- [Download Book]
Unrest in Xinjiang,
Uyghur Province in China
China Brief, January 10,
2014, v. 14, no. 1
o Brief: Xi Evokes “New
Left” Vision of China’s Future
o Xi Invokes Mao’s Image
to Boost his own Authority
o Tiananmen Attack:
Islamist Terror or Chinese Protest?
o The Language of
Terrorism in China: Balancing Foreign and Domestic Policy Imperatives
o China-US WMD
Cooperation: Progress within Limits
China Brief, February
20, 2014, v. 14, no. 4
o Beijing’s Fight
Against Democracy Activism in Hong Kong
o Chin a’s Ideological
‘Soft War’: Offense is the Best Defense
o Falling Coal Prices
Help Chin a’s ‘New Silk Road’ Win Over Mongolia
China’s Evolving
Reconnaissance-Strike Capabilities: Implications for the U.S.-Japan Alliance
India Advances in Naval
Arms Race With China
People’s Republic of China Maritime Disputes
The People’s Liberation
Army General Political Department: Political Warfare with Chinese
Airpower Across the
Himalayas: A Military Appreciation of Chinese and Indian Air Forces
China and India: A
Sisyphean Bilateral?
China, India and the
United States: Tempered Rivalries in Asia
Growth of China's Power
and Implications for Asia in the 21st Century
The 16th Symposium (FY
2013), November 12, 2013 - "Prospects of Multilateral Cooperation in the
Asia Pacific: To Overcome the Gap of Security Outlooks" [conference
Japan in East Asia: Challenges and Opportunities for 2014
Japan’s New Approach to National Security
Carving up the
Skies: China's New Air Defense Zone
Sino-Indian Panchsheel and Japan’s Overture to India
Thailand: Conflict Alert
Air Defense
Identification Zone Intended to Provide China Greater Flexibility to Enforce
East China Sea Claims
Indian Ocean Region: A Strategic Net Assessment
Impact from Syria's War
on Militancy in FATA
Consent by Force:
Strategies to Avoid Failure in Syria
Iran and the P5+1
Iraq in Crisis
Islamist Responses to
the "End of Islamism"
Next Steps Toward a
Final Deal with Iran
Syria Country Analysis Brief - February 2014
Attacking America: Al Qaeda’s Grand Strategy in Its War with the
Legitimacy Versus Legality Redux: Arming the Syrian Rebels
Leadership Divided? The Domestic Politics of Iran's Nuclear Debate
Iraq in Crisis
After the Awakening: Future Security Trends in the Middle East
Western Policy Towards Syria: Ten Recommendations
Russia’s G8 Presidency: With an Ambitious Agenda, Can Moscow Deliver?
Great Unful๏ฌlled
Expectations: Russia’s Security Dialogue with Europe
Towards a Greater
Eurasia: Who, Why, What and How?
Issue Guide: Crisis in
Engaging Cuba
The EU, Russia and Eastern Partnership: What Dynamics under the
New German Government?
Why Europe Can’t Leave
Asia to the US
Ukraine’s February
Revolution: What Next?
Presentation on the
Projected Costs of U.S. Nuclear Forces, 2014 to 2023
New Realities: Energy
Security in the 2010s and Implications for the U.S. Military - Executive
Big Bets & Black
Swans: A Presidential Briefing Book
Oil Security 2025: U.S.
National Security Policy in an Era of Domestic Oil Abundance
Alternatives to U.S. Hard Power: The Saudi Response to U.S.
Tactics in the Middle East
Crisis in the Central African Republic: The EU Response
No Place Like Home:
Returns and Relocations of Somalia’s Displaced
Security Sector Reform and Governance Processes in West Africa:
From Concepts to Reality
Whose Development? Human Rights Abuses in
Sierra Leone’s Mining Boom
Africa Watch, February
20, 2014
Conflict and the
Formation of Political Beliefs in Africa
FM 3-38, Cyber Electromagnetic Activities
Pandemonium: Nation
States, National Security, and the Internet
Peacetime Regime for
State Activities in Cyberspace
2014 as the Year of
Encryption: A (Very) Brief History of Encryption Policy
Cybersecurity and
Stability in the Gulf
The Enduring Need for
Electronic Attack in Air Operations
Assessment of
Nuclear Monitoring and Verification Technologies
Do Drones Present New Military
Opportunities or are they Simply an Updated Technological Variant of Age-old
Weapons and Tactics? Hoover Institution / Stanford
University background paper by Thomas Donnelly.
20YY: Preparing for War
in the Robotic Age
Robert O. Work, Shawn
Electromagnetic Spectrum
Disaster Prep Wednesday:
"Managing Worker Fatigue During Disaster Operations"
Harmonizing Policy
& Principle: A Hybrid Model for Counterterrorism
Aspects of Leadership: Ethics, Law, and Spirituality
Surveillance Reconnaissance is Greater Than Aerial Surveillance
The Process of
Some Recent Approaches
to Cultural Intelligence Gathering
Lessons From Previous
Competitive Strategies: Interview with Thomas G. Mahnken
Mega Cities, Ungoverned Areas, and the Challenge
of Army Urban Combat Operations in 2030-2040
More than Weather: The Strategic Importance of
Remote Environmental Monitoring Capabilities to DOD
Robots on the
Battlefield: Contemporary Issues and Implications for the Future
Joint Pub 3-29, Foreign Humanitarian Assistance, 03 January 2014
Indian Ocean Region: A
Strategic Net Assessment
The Shanghai Cooperation Organisation:
India Seeking New Role in the Eurasian Regional Mechanism
Meena Singh
Roy, IDSA Monograph Series No. 34, 2014
Satellite Launch Vehicles: An Assessment
Defence Trade: A Recipe for Revival
Back to Reality: India’s National Interests and Multilateralism
India’s Thirst for Energy
in India – Latest Data and Implications
Arthasastra: Lesson for
the Contemporary Security Environment with South Asia as a Case Study
INS Vikramaditya—Deployment Options for
Internal Security Trends in 2013 and a Prognosis
Violence: The Indian Threat
· China’s Gorbachov
· Defense Innovations in
India: The Fault Lines
· India and Maldives—Ties
Must Be Consolidated
· Measures for Improving
Management of National Security
Indian Strategic-Military Transformation - Revolutionary
in Nature, Evolutionary in Character
Coastal Planning
Future of the U.S. Intercontinental Ballistic Missile Force
The Role of Arctic Hydrocarbons for Future
Energy Security
Water as a Geopolitical
World Economic Forum
(WEF) Global Risks 2014 [9th ed.]
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